Thursday, March 19, 2009

i-literate has moved premises!

As many of our clients will already know, i-literate moved premises at the beginning of March.

Now we have been very quiet on the newsletter and blog front for the last two months and for this we must apologise. Securing the purchase of a property in today’s financial climate is no mean feat, but the deed has been done and our new office is far more comfortable. Because we are situated out on a small-holding in Philadelphia, we will as usual, meet you at your offices or a location closer and more convenient for you.

Please note that we are still waiting on Telkom for our telephone lines and will advise you when we have our new telephone numbers.

A special thank you to our all our loyal clientele, old and new who have kept us so very busy since we re-opened our doors in January – in these financially stressed times we sincerely appreciate your continued support!

How to gain the most from your print advertising.

There are three key factors that are imperative to the success of your print advertising campaign, they are:-

1. Simplicity

All too often the advertiser wants to place as much text and imagery as possible within the ad-space they have available. Although this is understandable it is notoriously counter-productive. The best ad’s are the simplest ones because they are easy to read and highly impactful. A good advert should jump out at you and be memorable - ideally it should be something clever you would want to show your friends and family.

2. Targeted Messages

Where are you advertising and who will read the publication you are advertising in? Always ask the publication for statistics so that you are able to ensure you are reaching an audience who would be interested in knowing about your products and services. Target your central message to the most important need of your target audience – in other words sell your benefits to the reader rather than just telling them what you offer. ‘Answer their needs’ – so to speak.

3. Repetition

This cannot be stressed enough. Placing an advert in a newspaper or magazine (for instance) just once, will not fetch you the kind of returns you are undoubtedly looking for. Budget for at least 3 consecutive adverts in the same publication. Also ensure that your adverts are positioned in a similar spot and have a similar look and feel. Design a series of adverts that lead on to one another by all means – but ensure they are all easily identifiable as being your company.

Drive readers to your website

If you have a website (and you should as it is one of the cheapest forms of advertising), structure your ad content around what your key benefits are and then drive readers to the website to find out more about your products and/or services. Ensure that all your advertising content carries a similar message – this entrenches the key benefit sell you want your customers to quickly recognise (and more about that in another article